Home News Ireland News UK license holders in Ireland face being put off the road

UK license holders in Ireland face being put off the road

Up to 40,000 motorists in Ireland with UK licences face being put off Irish roads

Motorists in Ireland still driving with UK licenses have been warned they have just weeks to swap them for Irish licenses or face being put off the road.

It is estimated that as many as 40,000 of Ireland’s motorists have yet to switch.

Ireland’s National Driver Licence Service (NDLS) revealed an almost five-fold rise in the number of UK driving licence holders switching to an Irish licence to date this year compared to previous years. 

In the past five years less than 6,000 drivers on average swap their UK licences for Irish licenses every year.

This year more than 27,000 have already been exchanged. 

Irish insurers estimate there are between 50,000 and 70,000 UK driving licence holders in Ireland. 

Ireland’s Road Safety Authority (RSA), which runs the NDLS, said between 30,000 and 40,000 of these have yet to switch over to Irish licences – and they face a driving ban if the UK crashes out of the EU without a deal on 31 October.

To exchange a licence, drivers must complete an application form and present it along with a €55 fee and their UK licence at any of the 36 NDLS centres around the country. 

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