Home News Community NHS midwife given a car by Emerald House of Cars

NHS midwife given a car by Emerald House of Cars

PJ Quinn of Emerald House of Cars presents Sarah with her car. Sarah Sheldon is in the darker uniform.

Emerald House of Cars in Birmingham surprised NHS midwife Sarah Sheldon by gifting her the car that she needs to get to and from work.

Emerald House of Cars ran their free car giveaway across social media over the last month. They received hundreds of nominations but found none more worthy than Sarah.

Sarah works tirelessly at Heartland’s Hospital in Birmingham, but it was the difficulty she had getting to and from work that made Emerald really take notice.

Sarah travels from Leicester and was using public transport all the way. She was saving up for a car but has three daughters and an elderly mother to care for at home making buying a car a little tricky.


Sarah was nominated by her colleague Sarah Healy and couldn’t believe it when the surprise was sprung on her last Saturday.

PJ Quinn of Emerald said: “To be able to do something so positive for a member of the NHS, especially one like Sarah that is going above and beyond to come into work every day, felt incredible and I hope gestures like this can lift spirits and spur more positivity throughout the country.”

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